“The Secrets Project”- Why I’m helping people to own original artworks

Art can make you feel alive!

It’s a huge statement I know, but I have the evidence to back it up- I’m not only an artist but a woman of science.

Back in 2021, after two years of wrestling through the world of medicine during the time that was the covid pandemic, like many in healthcare, I was exhausted and (although I still find it exceedingly difficult to say) depressed. Even as a doctor, who has so much understanding and empathy for patients with mental health problems, I really struggled to admit that this applied to me. I withdrew from family, friends, a job I used to love and felt so enthusiastic about- I no longer wanted to be there.

Having created space, I started to slowly do things that I love, and this began with art. There was no social pressure, no work pressure, no one was sick or hurting or needed me to listen. Reaching a state of flow creating images in bright colours and using lots of unique styles and materials brought me so much joy. For the first time in a long time… I began to feel something… I felt alive!

We had all been wandering through life, in a boring and restrictive routine that left so many feeling isolated and detached. As the world slowly started to re-open, I heard the same themes emerging from patients, family, and friends. Social anxiety around re-integrating into the world, a desire for connection with others, a realisation that we need to do life differently. People have started to dream and wonder about living life in an alternative way. They want to do more and see more and be more… they want to feel alive!

I have been slowly stepping back from medicine and expanding my art business in the hope that I can help others see and feel and understand art in a way that makes them feel alive again! That is why I am so excited about my new “Secrets Project.”

The Secrets Project

Through the project I intend to give away one original artwork per week, for as long as I can.


I want people to experience the joy of owning an original artwork! There is something so magical about being able to look at an original work that you just don’t get from digital work, or mass-produced artworks and prints. You can see the brush strokes, the texture of the paint the vibrancy of the colours. You can see how the artist has used different brushes and strokes to make the marks. Original artwork catches the light in a unique way. When you find a piece that is special for you, there is something so wonderful about knowing that you own that piece. That it is just yours and that it is one-of-a-kind. It can make your space unique to you and that’s exciting, invigorating and energising – the things we associate with being alive!


What limits people from purchasing original art:

The top 3 restrictions are:

Pricing: Original art can be expensive, and many potential buyers may not have the budget to afford it.

Understanding: Lack of knowledge about art can make people hesitant to purchase, as they may feel unsure about the value or authenticity.

Confidence: Some individuals might lack confidence in their ability to choose art that is worth the investment or that fits their taste and style


How will the project work?

Every Tuesday at 11am I will send out an email which will show a picture of the artwork for that week.

Action: If you want that painting email me at 8pm the following Thursday with the following:

Name| Phone number | Address | A sentence about why you like the artwork

Who gets the painting?

The first email I receive after 8pm gets the painting! It will be delivered to the address provided. All paintings are original artworks and will be signed by the artist. You will also receive a certificate of authenticity to ensure the work retains its value.

All I ask is that you send a me a photo of you with your artwork or the artwork in its new home!



Christina x

** T&C

This project is only open to subscribers to Christina Davies Art- UK and Ireland only**

 Reproduction of any of the artworks shared is inappropriate and deemed breach of copyright.


The Power of Bold and Bright Colours in my Art